Sports Fields
Troy fields located in Tri-Township Park: Park is located between Rt. 162 and Old Collinsville Road in Troy IllinoisEach field is Numbered. MAP OF PARK

Rainout Hot Line & Other Information
Cancellations: Will post on our Facebook Page and Community Page
Posted by 3:30 pm weekdays and 8 am Saturdays
Fields: Tri-Township Park 410 Wickliffe, Troy, IL 62294 (View Map)
St. Jacob Fields
Cancellations: Will post on our Facebook page
Fields: St. Jacob Township Park, 339 W Main St Saint Jacob, IL 62281
Cancellations: 654-7042
Fields: Highland Glik Park,- Zobrist, Wirz 2 & 3 12525 Sportsmann Rd. Highland, IL 62249
Cancellations: 622-1439 by 4 pm (or check the Facebook page)
Fields: View O'Fallon Family Sports Park Map
Community Park, 401 East 5th St. O'Fallon, IL (in the Center of Town, 1 block west of O'Fallon Twnsp HS)
Hesse Park, 810 Madison Dr. O'Fallon, IL (Behind Hinchcliffe Elementary)
O'Fallon Family Sports Park, 301 Obernuefemann Road, O'Fallon IL
Shiloh Community Park, 1 Park Dr., Shiloh IL 62269 (Games will be on Field B, west of the water tower)
Maryville (or check Facebook Page)
Cancellations: (or check Facebook Page)
Fields: Drost Park, 504 E Division Street, Maryville IL 62062
Cancellations: (or check Facebook Page)
Fields: Drost Park, 504 E Division Street, Maryville IL 62062
Fields: Gretchen Wilson Park - 209 Pocahontas Ave, Pocahontas, IL 62275
Collinsville Parks and Recreation
Cancellations: The Rainout Hotline phone number is the Parks and Recreation Office number. Callers will be prompted to choose #1 for the Rainout Hotline or #2 for Office information. 618-346-7529 Press #1
View the Inclement Weather & Rainout Policy PDF